Financial experts also advise that whenever you are traveling by flight, you must take travel insurance. Travel insurance proves to be useful in many situations. If the flight is canceled or postponed due to the fear of bomb, then in this situation you can claim under travel insurance. Let us know in detail in this article.
In today’s time, we often get to hear one news and that is bomb threats. Now even if these threats are false, but it has a direct impact on the passenger. Yes, whenever such threats come, the flight is canceled or postponed. Now in such trouble, the passengers demand compensation for the loss.
Now the question arises whether the airline will compensate for the loss in this situation or not. If the airline does not compensate for it, then does travel insurance come in handy at this time. We will answer these questions in this article.
Who will compensate for the loss
As per the instructions of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the airline makes arrangements for food, alternative flight or full ticket refund in case of delay or cancellation of the flight. This compensation is done when the flight is delayed or canceled due to weather or any other reason. If there is a possibility of extraordinary events like bomb, then the airline does not compensate the passenger for the loss.
In this situation, travel insurance can provide relief. As per the policy terms of international travel insurance, passengers can claim a refund if the flight is delayed or diverted due to a bomb threat.
How much amount is received in claim
International travel insurance provides coverage of up to Rs 4 lakh. In this, companies give big compensation. If the trip gets delayed, then the company gives compensation of Rs 4200 to 84 thousand. In case of any emergency, it gives coverage of up to Rs 4 lakh for staying in a hotel. Similarly, if the passenger faces any problem during the journey, then the company also offers an allowance of up to Rs 10,500 per day. All this coverage is based on the rules of the insurance company and the policy.
The premium amount of travel insurance depends on the destination, coverage, age of the covered person, insurance company etc. Apart from this, the insurance premium can be up to 10 percent of the travel expenses. If you are also thinking of taking a travel insurance, then first you should compare the policies of many companies. After this, any decision should be taken only after reading all the terms and conditions.