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Health Insurance : What are the benefits of health insurance, what things should be kept in mind before taking a policy?

Health Insurance : What are the benefits of health insurance, what things should be kept in mind before taking a policy?

Health Insurance Ke Fayde In today’s busy life, we have an unbreakable relationship with lifestyle diseases. In such a situation, the importance of health insurance has increased a lot. It empowers the family financially and we are able to get the best treatment without any financial stress. Let us know all the benefits of health insurance and the things to keep in mind before taking it.

A major reason for poverty in India is the expenditure on illnesses. Here even middle class families are said to be just one illness away from becoming poor. To reduce this risk, taking health insurance can be a good option.

However, even today due to lack of awareness, people consider mediclaim or health insurance a waste of money. But, at the time of any major illness or accident, you realize its importance. Let us know why it is necessary to take health insurance, what are the benefits of taking it and what things should be kept in mind while taking insurance.

Why is health insurance necessary?

Data from the Central Health Department shows that in 80 percent of medical emergencies, the patient’s condition worsens due to financial constraints. Expenses on medicines continue even after discharge from the hospital. Many times, due to the high cost of treatment, people are forced to sell jewelry, land and even houses. They also get trapped in a debt trap, which does not leave them for life. Health insurance can save you from all these problems.

Benefits of Health Insurance

The biggest advantage of health insurance is that you can treat yourself in a better way without any financial stress. You will not have to compromise on your savings and household expenses. You will not have to beg in front of anyone either. You will not have to sell jewelry or property. Things like hospitalization expenses, surgery, medicines, doctor’s fees are covered in insurance. You get the facility of cashless treatment. You also get the benefit of tax exemption.

What things should be kept in mind before taking health insurance?

  • In health insurance, you should pay most attention to the coverage amount.
  • The insurance premium rates and payment terms should be read carefully.
  • Take care of the things that are covered, like surgeries, medicines, hospital fees.
  • Also check the list of network hospitals where you can avail cashless treatment.
  • If you already have any disease, make sure that it is covered in the policy.
  • Be aware of the waiting period during which coverage is not available for certain illnesses.
  • Keep reviewing your policy and make changes as needed.

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